The Olympus Post, Vol. X

K.D. Wimberly
The Olympus Post
Published in
10 min readJun 26, 2022


June 26th, 2022: Release The Stakin’

Greetings Olympians,

Zeus Finance rose to the occasion and stood true to our word! The release of our single sided staking has arrived and we couldn’t be happier with how it is going so far. This release reigned in a pivotal moment for our protocol because we now have a path — actual utility for $ZEUS — moving forward on our journey.

The current crypto climate is still highly volatile and overall a risky place to be in, still, even with BTC and alts seemingly finding a bottom and rising since. Over the last 14 days, as of this writing, $ZEUS is up 200%. $ZEUS was able to find solid ground and rise before the rest of the market found its bottom, allowing for $ZEUS to stand out amongst the rest. The last few weeks have been rough for crypto as a whole, but overall fairly good for Zeus Finance.

Between homepage updates and hype around new product releases, paired with the growth of an increasingly pleasant sentiment of our community, our price has been sitting in the green. We truly appreciate how our community responds to our actions, both positive and negative, and we know we couldn’t be here without you all.

Now, let’s take a brief look at what’s happening on Mt. Olympus.

Where We Have Been:

To say that our current journey hasn’t been rough so far would be an understatement. But, to say that it hasn’t been worth it and that it hasn’t been an absolutely thrilling ride so far would be an outright lie. We love what we do here at Zeus Finance and can’t wait to see what the future brings for us all.

This last week was definitely a wild one. Between the small delay of our first product due to an error in the Chainlink integration, to the actual release of the product, we were working hard to ensure a smooth launch. Not only does the technical side have to be perfect, the way we communicate errors, delays, and changes within the protocol is also something we have to be quite conscious of, approaching these things delicately.

But, with all that being said, this last week was amazing. Let’s take a look at where we have been recently within our journey.

1st, with so much excitement, gratitude, and appreciation behind our words, we are truly happy to say that we officially released our first form of utility, our Stability Fund, which marks a pivotal moment in our protocol’s history. With our Stability Fund — or single sided staking (SSS) as many of you know it as — investors who own $ZEUS can now stake it to earn a percentage of profit that Zeus Finance shares with their community.

In fact, anyone can come to Zeus Finance and stake their $ZEUS and earn $USDC in passive income. Though, for node holders, we introduced a form of dual income; Olympians earn both $ZEUS and $USDC now. Through leveraging $ZEUS, stable rewards are yielded over time. In a bull or bear, this is a win-win scenario.

Essentially, $ZEUS now serves as our native token that rewards holders with a large share of protocol revenue. We are truly taking profit sharing to an entirely new level. We want to make this a precedent in crypto, and business in general, changing the way business models are executed. We see that our token, $ZEUS, provides a perfect opportunity for us to share profits with “stakeholders” in a decentralized, seamless, and efficient fashion.

2nd, we want to inform you all that Chainlink is now officially integrated into our protocol. With this, the partnership is continued and now that we held up our end of the bargain — integrating their code and arriving on-chain — they will help market us and spread the word about our protocol amongst their community. We will be releasing the content and/or information that they release on us and share it with you guys. Stay tuned for what’s to come.

Just know, we are still very hyped about this partnership from a marketing, development, and legitimacy outlook because it is seen as a blue chip within the crypto space due to its utility for blockchains and the adoption of Web3.

Where We Are:

Open pastures, open skies, the sun beaming from above; life is good and because we know that our reality comes from within, we are doing what we can to work from the inside, out, only making life better. We are quite familiar with struggle, disparities, and overall gloom, especially when it comes to trading and investing. Us here at Zeus Finance are doing what we can to eliminate that gloom and bring light through the products our protocol releases and the insight we bring through our community. Let’s shine some light on what we are doing these days.

Marketing: Simply put, we are still marketing and will continue to do so until we no longer exist. Morpheus and his marketing team continue to plan behind the scenes while executing some action — some seen, some unseen. We are now holding Twitter Spaces every tZeusday and will be featuring not only members of the $ZEUS community, but also members from potential and future partnerships. With this, we will be able to leverage our community to bring in outsiders; Twitter Spaces is an additional way to market, especially as our reach expands over time.

North Equities has not stopped their campaign and they continue to push out their marketing techniques. They have provided us with results, and although we aren’t extremely satisfied, we will say that $ZEUS has one of the best approval ratings out of all crypto projects that they are taking data on and this is very nice to see. Basically, the market is still in rough shape and people still feel iffy about investing in a smaller coin while prices are still so volatile across the board. Though, we are seeing that through our constant work, outsiders are taking note and do not see us strictly as a “ponzi-based” node protocol but as a legitimate working product. In general, we have seen improvements on the marketing front with North Equities compared to the original campaign.

As mentioned, now that Chainlink is implemented into our protocol, we expect to have marketing content released from them shortly. We haven’t received any material or specific timeframes, but we were told that things will kick off once on-chain. So, again, stay tuned for what’s next on this front — we are now on-chain.

Utility: In the last two articles, I provided some alpha about decentralized exchanges and then even announced that we are going to be releasing one in the future. As of now, Kronos is heading the development of our DEX and is currently working on it as you read this.

But, some are probably wondering, “Why a DEX?”

There are already some out there, why have another?”

“Trader Joe has the best memes, best community, and has all the coins I need to trade. Why not use that?”

We know, there has to be something that separates us from the other DEX’s that are currently running on Avalanche. For example, Trader Joe who holds the number one spot in volume and has its token, $JOE. Pangolin, a product of AVALabs and our partner, has the coin, $PNG. So, what will make our DEX stand out?

Well, first off, our coin — which is attached to the DEX — will be serving as a way to share our profits, and therefore, we believe that our token, which has a scarce supply of about 1 million tokens, can become a greater store of value due to its scarcity in addition to its ability to collect portions of Zeus Finance’s revenue. It will serve as a token that represents speculation for our business while simultaneously serving as a way to receive a very large amount (larger portion of revenue shared than any other DEX) of our profits emitted in $USDC. Essentially, the business will potentially emit more $USDC through profit sharing than other DEX coins and therefore is a better coin to hold and a better DEX to transact on due to the ability to collect those profits that are collected from swapping on our protocol (and every other product we release and yield from investments we make). More swaps with us mean more profit for you.

Secondly, we will be specifically focusing on providing the least amount of slippage, so more stable swaps than other DEX’s. We will also be focusing on security, speed, and cheap transaction fees just like other DEXs. We currently do not have a date for the release of our DEX. Though, more details will be provided over time. Keep a lookout for some information in the future.

Where We Are Going:

We will continue to look to the sky — to the heavens — for inspiration. We look to the stars — to the gods — and absorb the divinity. We look to the earth — to Gaia — for stability, for grounding.

Zeus Finance believes that it deserves a place amongst the top protocols on Avalanche, and we won’t stop building until that becomes a reality. We also know that nodes aren’t really the best concept to maintain long-term sustainability. We are doing what we can to transition into a DaaS protocol without a full interruption of the services that we currently provide. Please remember this as we move forward. This idea of transitioning from a NaaS to a DaaS will continue to be reiterated until the day comes when we are fully a DaaS protocol. As mentioned, we are currently building out our DEX, but let’s see what else we have coming up along our journey.

Rebrand: We have taken a pause on the rebranding for now, due to the necessity of releasing utility during this bear market and because of our current image being sufficient enough to onboard new investors and be seen as a professional, legitimate product moving forward. Though, take note, we will still be updating our dApp and invigorating the design. We will be hiring a web3 designer to work this out, ensuring that not only our homepage is welcoming, but that our dApp is sleek, easy to use, and delightful to our investors. XANR has done an amazing job so far updating our homepage and keeping it up to the standard. For those who haven’t noticed, we also changed the banner in our Discord channel — a simple but nice change for our community’s transition into Zeus Finance. Our focus will be on presenting Zeus Finance as a DaaS — a protocol that shares its profits through decentralized services — and not as a node protocol. It will take time to work through the sentiment of nodes and our attachment to them, so please bare with us as we make the necessary changes to our protocol as time passes.

Investments: We see that many people are curious about our next investments. So far we have our Yieldnodes investment and our AVAX Validator bringing in a slow and stable yield, but we know we have to make more investments to continue to fulfill our goal of providing passive income through yield farming, all through one coin.

The products we release will bring in revenue, but so will our investments.

We are still building our treasury, and want to make sure that we have enough in funds to make a significant investment that will help us in the long run. We have been talking about a few options and will put this next investment option up for a vote to the community. We have been refining the options down to the best three we see moving forward while fitting in our budget. We will make an announcement for this. Keep a lookout.

Utility: The DEX is coming, you all know this now. We will be updating and releasing our new roadmap according to these additional stops in our journey in the near future. For those unaware, we are also going to be releasing memberships and single sided staking in the form of $USDC-$USDC for those members. But, not only are memberships coming, NFT’s will also be arriving, providing bonuses to holders — actually serving a purpose.

The journey ahead is seemingly filled with moments to celebrate — moments that increase the desire to invest with Zeus Finance. We will not stop building out utility to make sure that we are around for the long haul. A DEX, memberships, $USDC-$USDC staking for members, NFT’s. There’s actually even more coming that I won’t mention here. But, just know we have a list of innovation.

**Alpha: Sorry! We will not be providing any alpha this week, Olympians. After the release of our first product, we believe that this is a good week to just take a break on the constant, week-after-week alpha. Get ready for alpha next week though!

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato

