remember, you are universal love
a unique individuation
there is only consciousness
boundless, absolute, and united — consciousness is an all encompassing creative principle. it is all that is. there is nothing more and nothing less. it is the origin of all — it is without time or space.
all things are within consciousness — consciousness is within all things. it is separate from no-thing. the vast, ever expanding void is the body of consciousness.
consciousness is.
consciousness is the absolute, simple, and first principle of unity. it is both ‘self-caused’ and the cause of being for everything else in the universe. it’s a division of unity, eternally.
complete explanations of phenomena, and of contingent entities, can only rest in what itself requires no explanation. if what is actually sought is the explanation for something that is somehow complex, what grounds the explanation will be something simple relative to the observed complexity. thus, what grounds an explanation must be different from the sorts of things explained by it. taken to its logical conclusion — when we break it down simply — the explanatory path must finally lead to that which is unique and lacking complexity.
consciousness is such a principle. consciousness, owing to its simplicity, is indescribable. we can only grasp it indirectly by deducing what it is not. the words ‘all’ or “god” are seemingly most appropriate because it best suggests absolute simplicity.
yet, if consciousness is absolutely simple, how can it be the cause of the being of anything, or much rather, the cause of everything?
consciousness is such a cause in the sense that it is essentially everything.
consciousness, what some may consider as 0-point or god, is the absence of form and without need of any force or intention. consciousness continuously ‘designs’ the extension and expansion of form. consciousness is discrete yet inseparable from every other form and extends from absolute void by differentiating itself from absolute void.
consciousness is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. in essence, consciousness is both a spaceless and timeless energy that can be converted from one form into another.
consciousness acts as an invariant absence.
it provides a primal virtual awareness. this awareness has evolved unique indivisible beings, and all life everywhere, adding ‘us’ to the future of a seemingly fathomless, forever expanding multidimensionality.
as humans, we experience primal consciousness as the basis for our self-centric (ego) experience and it flawlessly clears a path for our awakening as a newly enlightened species.
consciousness is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, designing and organizing ‘everything’ as a mirror-like (reflective) image in which ‘things’ are ‘acausally’ related.
formless and loving observations, at every dimensional level, allow for an ever-evolving expansion of forms to remain fundamentally undivided.
our sense of consciousness is ubiquitous. our sense of consciousness is collective.
consciousness is unity in matter and shares a nested singularity in a spirit or energy.
being human — experiencing what it is ‘to be’ in matter — is the basis of our self-centric (subjective) experience. all possible points of view — all perspectives — as a human, being, are summarized from many more points of view of an inner spirit — a higher self — as a sequence of impressions giving ‘us’ a time-like experience of constant change, when actually all changes are occurring in ‘an eternal now.’
our material experience is integrated in this ‘timeless’ (objective) spiritual context, informing our higher self with an array of available information.
as humans, our freedom from suffering occurs (i.e., self-realization, self-actualization) when our ego, higher self, and consciousness are in focus together — a resonant synergy.
when we share this experience as being human — maintaining awareness — from an observer’s perspective, there is an implosion of our complexity which (ideally) results in an explosion of meaning, compassion, joy, and enthusiasm for life.
our identification with the form of our experience (ego) can be considered an‘effect’ or ‘karma’ that is helping us learn to awaken from the ‘veil of maya’ or ‘dream of form’ through (seemingly) suffering the loss of our spiritual freedom.
being human is a marvelous ‘tool’ to help us explore and experience something that is virtually no-thing whatsoever by collaborating co-creatively on comprehending ‘this’ commonly sensed reality.
when i identify the higher self, i am speaking of the consciousness of consciousness — i am speaking of the awareness of awareness. this is a vehicle moving outside of space-time, functioning as the next higher-level observer-driven (objective) consciousness.
our higher self — our soul — includes all subsequent dimensions by being ‘all that they are’ as a whole.
as yet another individuation of consciousness, our higher self is a property of consciousness in matter. our higher self is to consciousness what self-awareness is to primal-awareness. the higher self is consciousness’s self-awareness.
this is the experience of free will through soul, through our higher self. observing the consciousness of our ego’s awareness allows us to learn ways of directing our attention. in times when we consciously direct our attention, we can use free will in more meaningful ways.
the higher self utilizes the ego to know its absolute nature as the indivisibility of consciousness, the unmanifested causing the whole of manifestation.
we must effortlessly align with and sensitively embody a subjective consciousness or ego ‘awakeness’ which has no image. we, as humanity, must individuate as consciousness in matter. like a mirror, consciousness unites, reflects, and transforms our experience of who and what we are, a universal intelligence appearing as uniquely individuating minds and bodies.
by consciously sharing awareness-of-this-awakeness, the delusions of separation disappear, awakening and enlightening ourselves and all of humankind.
we can remember consciousness when we remember not only who we are, but who we can be.
when we are choosing consciousness, we are choosing love.